An Astro component for rendering a responsive <img> element for an image fetched from Sanity
An Astro component for rendering a responsive <img> element for an image fetched from Sanity
An Astro integration for Orama
This is a work in progress creating a theme for astro snipcart thats less opinionated.
An Astro JS Server-side-rendering (SSR) requests adapter for OpenAPI Backend.
Use Elm components within Astro
This is a open source Astro component that allows you to embed a Tweet as static HTML in your Astro site.
See project documentation.
See project documentation.
HTML, CSS and a bit of javascript made with Custom Elements progress bar for Astro.
An Astro component for optimizing, reformatting, and caching images with PicPerf.io.
The easiest way to add authentication to your Astro project!
Use Crank components within Astro
SEO builder with jsonLDGenerator for Astro
Astro Accordion - HTML, CSS and a bit of javascript made with Custom Elements accordion for Astro.
See project documentation.
See project documentation.
Get the hash used by the Astro compiler to scope css rules.
```sh npm create astro@latest -- --template minimal ```
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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